School Community Councils
What is the SCC?
The Utah State Legislature passed a law in 2000 requiring every public school in the state to establish a School Community Council at the school-site level (Utah Code. Section 53A-1a-108).
Each School Community Council consists of the principal, school employees, and parents or guardians of students attending the school.
The School Community Council determines their school's greatest academic need and prepares a plan to address that need with the school's portion of the money distributed from the School LAND Trust program.
A bill passed in the 2015 legislative session giving School Community Councils the responsibility to partner with school administration in creating a safe and constructive internet environment for students.
In Glendale
glendale middle school
1430 W. Andrew Avenue
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Phone: (801) 974-8319
Fax: (801) 974-8356
wallace stegner academy
980 Bending River Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Phone: (801) 456-9570
Fax: (801)-972-2528
dual immersion academy
1155 S Glendale Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Phone: 801-972-1425
Fax 801-972-9482
mountain view elementary school
1380 South Navajo
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Phone: (801) 974-8315
Fax: (801) 974-8332
Parkview Elementary School
970 Emery Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Phone: (801) 974-8304
Fax: (801) 974-8329
Riley Elementary School
1410 South 800 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
Phone: (801) 974-8310
Fax: (801) 974-8354
East High School
840 South 1300 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84102
Phone: (801) 583-1661
Fax: (801) 584-2927